Home Turtle Ings “Upwellings: A Fond Farewell and Best Wishes to Ember!

Ings “Upwellings: A Fond Farewell and Best Wishes to Ember!


“Upwellings: A Fond Farewell and Best Wishes to Ember!


Loggerhead Turtle ⁣Ember Completes Her Journey and ‍Provides Valuable Data

After a long ⁢and eventful journey, Ember, ⁢a young‍ loggerhead turtle, has completed her migration and bid⁣ farewell to the team at Upwell. Her tracking ‍data has provided valuable insights into the dispersal and movements of​ West Atlantic loggerhead turtles, contributing to efforts to ⁢protect these ​endangered creatures.

Upwell’s‍ Executive Director, George Shillinger, expressed his gratitude to Ember for her contribution and wished her a safe onward journey. He ⁤also ‌highlighted the importance of her tracking‌ data in understanding the distribution and habitats of ‍loggerhead ​turtles in the North Atlantic,⁢ and how it can inform conservation efforts to protect them from human threats such as fisheries bycatch, ship strikes, plastic‍ pollution, and climate change.

Ember’s journey would not have been possible ⁣without the collaboration ​of organizations such as the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, Gumbo Limbo Coastal Stewards, and Mercator Ocean⁢ International. Upwell is also‌ grateful‍ to everyone who followed Ember’s story and hopes it has raised awareness about the threats faced by ⁣sea ‌turtles ‍and how we can⁢ take action ‍to protect them.

As Ember bids farewell and continues ⁣her journey, we ⁤thank her for the ​valuable data she has provided ⁢and wish her safe travels.

Cover photo by Nuno Vasco Rodrigues ‍depicts a ‌loggerhead sea turtle ⁢released with a microsatellite tag ‍in the Azores.



  1. Ember, you will be greatly missed! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. Your contributions to Ings have been invaluable, and your passion for the industry has truly inspired us all. Thank you for everything you have done and good luck on your new journey!


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