Home Biology Newly Discovered Pseudoscorpion Species Named After Slovak President

Newly Discovered Pseudoscorpion Species Named After Slovak President

Newly Discovered Pseudoscorpion Species Named After Slovak President


The discovery of a new species of pseudoscorpion, Olpium caputi, on the island‍ of Tahiti in French Polynesia has brought attention to the often‍ overlooked ​region. French Polynesia, with its​ 25,000 islands in ⁤the Pacific Ocean, ​has received ⁣much less attention ‍from biologists compared to other areas such as the Hawaiian Islands.

Since the 18th century, biologists ⁤have⁤ been drawn ​to the North and East Polynesian islands, including the Hawaiian Islands ⁢and‍ French Polynesia. However, the latter has only been the subject of a few studies, with contributions to ‌our knowledge ​of its pseudoscorpion fauna dating⁢ back to the 1930s through the Pacific Entomological Survey.

A view of the realm the place Olpium caputi was discovered. Photograph by⁤ Frédéric A. Jacq

However, ‍a recent ‍study by a ⁣team of enthusiastic scientists has shed light‍ on⁢ the pseudoscorpion fauna of French Polynesia. Between 2017 and 2020, they conducted research on the ⁢region’s fauna ‌and environment for ⁤the French Polynesian Agricultural ‌Service and as ⁤part⁤ of‍ a‌ larger⁢ survey of arthropods.‌ During their research, they collected a few pseudoscorpion specimens ⁤on⁤ the islands of‍ Huahine and Tahiti in the Society Islands archipelago.

Among these specimens⁢ was‌ a new ‍species, named Olpium‍ caputi, which⁢ was collected by sieving moss at 1,450 meters above sea‍ level on the Mont‌ Marau ⁢Summit in Tahiti. This new species is named ⁢after⁤ Zuzana Čaputová, the President of ⁤Slovakia, in honor of her support‍ for women and ‍scientists ⁤in leadership positions.

Lead researcher Jana Christophoryová ​explains, “As a ⁢female leader, she ​takes a strong stance⁢ and supports women and scientists. ​Even​ in the 21st century, women ‌in science or top ⁤positions are rare. The rarity of the research ‍in​ French‍ Polynesia,​ the uniqueness of ‌the discovery, and the fact that the⁣ new species is a female, led us to name ⁣it after this inspiring ⁢woman who ‌can be a role model of courage and perseverance for many women.”

The paper detailing ⁢this⁢ discovery was ‍published in the open-access, peer-reviewed journal ZooKeys.

The team:

The research team consisted of zoologists Katarína ⁤Krajčovičová of Bratislavské regionálne​ ochranárske združenie – BROZ, ‍Bratislava, and Jana Christophoryová of Comenius University, ​Bratislava, who specialize in ‌the taxonomy, distribution, and ‍ecology of⁣ pseudoscorpions. ‌They were ‌joined by botanist Frédéric ‌Jacq and entomologist Thibault Ramage,​ both independent naturalists ‌who have been working to improve the faunistic and taxonomic knowledge of French Polynesia for⁤ over ‌15 years.

Research⁢ article:

Krajčovičová K,‌ Ramage⁣ T, Jacq FA, Christophoryová J (2024) Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) from⁤ French Polynesia with ⁢first species information and⁤ description of new species. ZooKeys 1192: 29-43. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1192.111308




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