Home Snake The Journey of a Giant Water Bug to the Island of Cyprus

The Journey of a Giant Water Bug to the Island of Cyprus

The Journey of a Giant Water Bug to the Island of Cyprus


A new visitor was discovered ‍on the coast of Cyprus, thanks to the growing popularity of citizen science.

Cyprus, known for its‍ beautiful beaches, is also a hotspot⁢ for biodiversity​ in the Mediterranean. ‍However, it‌ is not well-known for its insect fauna. Recently, some visitors to ⁣its highly populated beaches have ⁤provided valuable information for a ‌species that has never been ‍recorded on the island before: the giant ⁤water bug, also known as a toe biter.

Giant water bugs.

Researchers Michael Hadjiconstantis from the Association for the Protection of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity of Cyprus, Iakovos Tziortzis from the Ministry of Agriculture, ‌Rural ⁢Development and Environment ​of Cyprus, and Kadir Boğaç Kunt​ from the Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute collected data and ⁣specimens ⁢from⁤ an increasing number of sightings of the giant water bug on the east coast of the island in late spring and ⁢summer of 2020 and 2021. This species, ⁢known to inhabit ponds and slow-moving freshwater, had never been recorded on the island before,⁢ although established populations are known in ⁢neighboring Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Turkey, and Israel.

Areas of reported sightings of the ⁢giant ⁤water bug in Cyprus.

Also ⁣known as the electric⁢ light bug, ⁢this giant water bug is described as a‍ fierce predator, feeding on invertebrates,​ fish, turtles, and even birds. What’s even more terrifying is that it is the largest true bug and the largest water insect in Europe, measuring up to 12 cm in length. It also has a reputation for causing extremely painful bites when ‍handled⁣ carelessly.

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