Home Snake New Beetles Discovered in Borneo Forest by Citizen Scientists

New Beetles Discovered in Borneo Forest by Citizen Scientists

New Beetles Discovered in Borneo Forest by Citizen Scientists


The journey through the sphere allowed non-experts to participate in‍ the study ‌of ⁢biodiversity and to discover and classify⁢ a new species.

The unexplored world of‌ tiny beetles in the tropical rainforest is seemingly endless. However, this did‌ not discourage‍ citizen​ scientists from joining‌ expeditions⁤ to the Ulu Temburong forest in ⁣Borneo, where they continued to add new species to scientific records one by one. Together with a team ⁢of researchers, they‌ recently published a new species, Clavicornaltica mataikanensis, in the ‍open-access,‍ peer-reviewed ⁤ Biodiversity Knowledge Journal.

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