The Turtle Conservancy is a ‍place of wonder and excitement, where students can learn about the incredible life cycle​ of turtles. Recently, Manci, the Assistant⁢ Director of Training, visited ‍the Chadwick‍ School ⁤to share her knowledge ⁢and passion for these remarkable creatures with the third and first-grade classes. The‍ students were captivated by her interactive approach, which not only ‌brought the subject to⁣ life⁤ but also ⁢allowed ⁢them to see, touch, and inquire about ⁢real ⁤turtle ​shells and preserved ​eggs.

The classroom was buzzing with curiosity as Manci shared‍ fascinating​ facts about turtles and their habitats. The students were eager⁣ to participate in discussions ‍and ask questions, their eyes wide with wonder at the mysteries of⁤ the turtle world. Through this ‌hands-on experience, the children gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for these ⁣exceptional creatures.

But⁣ the Turtle Conservancy doesn’t just educate students, it also ⁤provides opportunities for them to get involved ⁤in conservation efforts. High school ⁢students⁢ from Condor High School have volunteered at⁤ the Turtle⁢ Conservancy, helping with tasks ‍such ​as habitat planting and enhancement. The Turtle Conservancy‍ is grateful for their⁣ invaluable contribution and‌ looks forward to their next visit.

In addition to welcoming students, the Turtle​ Conservancy also extends invitations⁢ to other schools to visit their ⁣conservation center and‍ join ‍in their mission to safeguard wildlife and habitats⁣ for future generations.

Students at the ‌Turtle Conservancy

Students at the Turtle⁣ Conservancy

The Turtle Conservancy is not only a place of education and conservation, but it is⁤ also a‌ place of ⁤wonder and beauty. The students who visit are sure to leave with a newfound appreciation for these incredible creatures ‌and ‌a desire⁣ to protect them‍ for generations ​to come.

Students learning ‍about‌ turtle shells

Students learning about turtle shells

The Turtle Conservancy is ⁣a place​ of learning, but ⁣it is also a place⁣ of action. By involving students in conservation ​efforts, the Turtle