URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Support the Ban on Balloon Releases in Florida in 2023
The ingestion or entanglement of marine debris, including single-use balloons, poses a serious threat to sea turtles. While many Floridians release balloons as part of celebrations or to honor loved ones, these balloons can travel thousands of miles before landing. When a balloon bursts and lands in the ocean, sea turtles and other marine animals mistake it for jellyfish and consume it. As sea turtles are unable to regurgitate, the balloon can cause an impaction that can lead to their death.
The ribbons attached to balloons can also wrap around the flippers or necks of sea turtles, hindering their ability to breathe, eat, or swim. Those who monitor sea turtle nesting in Florida report seeing balloons on nesting beaches almost daily. Sea turtle rehabilitation facilities in Florida spend hours removing balloon debris and other plastic pollution from stranded sea turtles. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has documented numerous sea turtle deaths caused by balloons.
We are encouraged by the introduction of H.B. 91 – Release of Balloons, which aims to close a loophole that allows countless balloons to enter our waterways and harm marine life, including sea turtles. Currently, Florida Statute 379.233 prohibits the release of ten or more balloons per day, but makes an exception for “biodegradable” balloons, which is not scientifically sound. By removing these two loopholes, as proposed in H.B. 91, Florida can significantly reduce plastic pollution in the marine environment and save countless marine animals.
All species of sea turtles found in Florida’s coastal and nearshore habitats are listed as either “threatened” or “endangered” under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, meaning they are at risk of extinction. Various man-made threats, including coastal development, light pollution, boat strikes, commercial fishing interactions, and plastic pollution, are contributing to their decline. While reducing plastic pollution in the ocean as a whole will require systemic change, preventing intentional balloon releases and their debris in the marine environment is achievable through laws like H.B. 91. By supporting the ban on balloon releases in Florida in 2023, you can directly improve sea turtle nesting and foraging habitats.
The 2023 Legislative Session begins on March 7 and ends on May 5. To support this legislation, STC urges Floridians and all sea turtle enthusiasts to contact state House Representatives and Senators and ask them to support H.B. 91, the ban on intentional balloon releases, when it is scheduled in their committees and up for consideration on the House and Senate floors. While emailing is helpful, directly calling legislators at their district or Tallahassee offices and speaking with their staff is particularly impactful. If you are unsure who your legislators are, follow the links below.
Find your Florida Senator: senators/find“>https://www.flsenate.gov/senators/find
Find your Florida House Representative: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/findyourrepresentative<!– Comments Off on URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Support the Ban on Balloon Releases in Florida in 2023 –>
As an animal lover and advocate, it breaks my heart to see the impact of balloon releases on sea turtles and marine life. Let’s come together and urge Florida legislators to support this crucial ban – our precious sea turtles deserve a safe and sustainable future. #ProtectOurMarineLife 🐢💙
This ban is long overdue. We need to prioritize the protection of our marine ecosystems and the incredible creatures that inhabit them. Count me in to support this crucial step towards a more sustainable future for sea turtles and our planet! 🌍🐢 #BanBalloonLaunches