Home Conservation In-situ Biodiversity Monitoring: A Focus at the Earth Commentary Meeting

In-situ Biodiversity Monitoring: A Focus at the Earth Commentary Meeting

In-situ Biodiversity Monitoring: A Focus at the Earth Commentary Meeting


Pensoft is leading the way in Work Bundle 6: “Dissemination, Multi-stakeholder outreach and synergies,” for the OBSGESSION project by creating a dedicated community around ⁢it.

Pensoft brings its expertise ‍in science communication to the OBSGESSION consortium,⁣ supporting its goal of improving terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity monitoring through stakeholder ⁢engagement. As a frontrunner ‌of Work Bundle 6, Pensoft‍ is ⁢responsible for building a dedicated community around OBSGESSION.

The decline of terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity is a⁤ major concern, ​driven by ​factors such as human activities⁤ and climate change.

In order to protect and preserve valuable ecosystems, ⁢the new research project OBSGESSION (Observation ⁢of Ecosystem Changes for Action) was launched. It is ‌jointly funded by the EU program Horizon Europe, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and the University of​ Zurich (UZH).

Coordinated by the Finnish Environmental Institute (Syke), OBSGESSION aims to identify the⁤ drivers of biodiversity loss, pinpoint important indicators of ‍ecosystem health, and inform sustainability policies.

The Project

OBSGESSION⁤ was launched in January 2024 and will run until December 2027 with a budget of ~7.3 million EUR, provided by⁢ the European Union’s Horizon Europe program, UK Research and Innovation, and the University of Zurich.

The OBSGESSION consortium at the kick-off meeting in January 2024 (Tuusula, Finland).

The project officially⁣ kicked off with the first ⁣consortium meeting in Tuusula, Finland, between 30th January and 2nd February.

Over the next four years, the newly formed consortium will work together to integrate biodiversity data sources, such as Earth Observation, with ‌ in-situ research, and cutting-edge ‍ecological models. These will all be combined into a comprehensive product for biodiversity management in both terrestrial and freshwater ‌ecosystems.

The project will also lead an innovative‌ approach for ⁣assessing Essential ​Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) and their resilience to ⁤errors.⁢ By intentionally introducing errors into biodiversity ⁤estimates ‌and comparing the resulting models ‍with⁢ those using accurate estimates, the EBV case studies aim to analyze model uncertainties and identify more ‌sensitive approaches. This will inform policy and management regarding the optimal EBVs and their​ key thresholds for conservation.

To demonstrate the implementation ⁣of the strategies and methodologies ​developed within the ⁤project,⁣ and to respond to the needs of the EU Biodiversity Strategy⁤ for 2030, the consortium will focus on six ‍distinct pilot⁢ actions:

  1. Investigating⁤ and predicting⁢ biodiversity change in the European ⁣Alps: a multi-scale, multi-modal, and multi-temporal investigation using remote and in-situ data integration.
  2. Improving habitat classification models: going beyond the ​state-of-the-art​ in accurate high-resolution mapping of Europe’s habitats, powered ⁣by ‌machine learning.
  3. Forecasting ecosystem productivity under disturbances & climate change



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