Introduction to Caring for Hermann’s Tortoises
If you are considering getting a Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni), it is important to have a thorough understanding of their care requirements. These tortoises originate from the Mediterranean and are protected in the wild, meaning they should only be purchased with a Cities Article 10 certificate confirming they are captive bred.
With a lifespan of over 80 years and an adult size of around 25cm, Hermann’s Tortoises are active creatures that require plenty of space to explore. They also have specific temperature, lighting, and dietary needs that must be met in order for them to thrive.
Adult Housing
According to current RSPCA guidelines, an indoor enclosure measuring 180cm x 120cm plus an outdoor enclosure of around 10m2 is sufficient for an adult tortoise. This typically means providing an outdoor heated shed, a custom indoor enclosure, and a secure grazing area for warm days.
It is important to plan ahead when considering the housing for a Hermann’s Tortoise, as they benefit from having plenty of space. While they may grow slowly, it is best to purchase a tortoise with their future requirements in mind.
Juvenile Housing
For baby or juvenile tortoises, a table or vivarium setup can be used. However, tables are only suitable in homes or rooms that maintain a consistent and warm background temperature. It is recommended to purchase the largest enclosure possible, such as the Monkfield Tortoise Table, which promotes natural behavior and allows for a good temperature gradient.
Tables vs Vivariums
Tortoise tables allow for good airflow and are often marketed as the budget option, as they allow for the use of unregulated (non-thermostatted) all-in-one (MVB) light bulbs as a sole source of heat and UV. On the other hand, a vivarium allows for better regulation of heat and the installation of high-quality equipment such as T5 lighting and a separate basking bulb controlled by a thermostat. To learn more about the benefits and disadvantages of each type of enclosure, click here.
To replicate the temperatures a Hermann’s Tortoise would experience in the wild, it is important to provide a temperature gradient with a basking spot of around 32C (30-35C) and background temperatures in the low to mid 20s. This can be achieved by using a basking spot bulb installed in a high-quality heat-proof ceramic fitting and controlled by a dimming thermostat. It is also important to monitor the temperature with a digital thermometer. If using a vivarium, there are various fittings that can be securely screwed into the roof. For an open setup, a reflective dome fitting can help project heat to the basking area.
If using a table, it is common practice to use an all-in-one Mercury Vapour Bulb (MVB) installed in a dome to provide heat and UV. However, these cannot be used with a thermostat and must be carefully monitored and adjusted to maintain the ideal basking temperature for your tortoise.
Your Responsibilities as a Pet Owner
This care sheet is designed to provide a basic overview and quick reference for the most common questions related to caring for Hermann’s Tortoises. However, there is often more than one way to achieve the same results, and it should be read in conjunction with other research, expert advice, and new developments in knowledge and research.
As a pet owner, you are legally responsible for ensuring that any animal under your care is properly cared for. This includes providing:
- Freedom from hunger or thirst by providing access to fresh water and a diet that maintains their health and vigor
- Freedom from discomfort by providing an appropriate environment with shelter and a comfortable resting area
- Freedom from pain, injury, or disease by preventing or quickly diagnosing and treating any issues
- Freedom to express (most) normal behavior by providing enough space, proper facilities, and the company of their own kind
- Freedom from fear and distress by ensuring conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering
If you are unsure about any aspect of caring for your tortoise, always seek immediate professional and/or veterinary advice.
If you have other reptiles as pets, be sure to check out our other care sheets for Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos, Hognose Snakes, Giant African Land Snails, Crested Geckos, and Corn Snakes.
This is exactly what I needed! Thank you for sharing this guide. Time to give my Hermann’s Tortoise the best care possible! 😄🐢
Emily: Can’t wait to dive into this guide! I want to make sure my Hermann’s Tortoise leads a happy and healthy life. Thank you for providing this valuable resource! 🐢💚
Michelle: Finally, a comprehensive guide! I’ve been searching for reliable information on caring for my Hermann’s Tortoise. Thank you for sharing this, it’s much appreciated! 🙏🏼🐢