Home Environment And Mexican Fishermen Team Up to Rescue Leatherback Turtle “Rescue of Leatherback Turtle in Sinaloa: A Collaboration between Fisher-Researcher and Upwell-Mexican Fishermen

And Mexican Fishermen Team Up to Rescue Leatherback Turtle “Rescue of Leatherback Turtle in Sinaloa: A Collaboration between Fisher-Researcher and Upwell-Mexican Fishermen

And Mexican Fishermen Team Up to Rescue Leatherback Turtle

“Rescue of Leatherback Turtle in Sinaloa: A Collaboration between Fisher-Researcher and Upwell-Mexican Fishermen


Upon arriving,‍ Mariano immediately assisted his nephew in freeing the leatherback from its entanglement. He then contacted Dr. Zavala, a renowned sea turtle expert,​ to inform him of the situation. Mariano has been collaborating with Dr.⁤ Zavala for over ten years, and during this time, he⁤ has introduced ​other local fishers, such as Edmundo, ⁢to ⁢join⁤ in⁣ the efforts to ‍save leatherbacks. Mariano’s dedication to sea ⁣turtle⁣ conservation and his contributions to research have been recognized globally, earning him the ⁢title ⁢of‍ “Leatherback Hero” ‍by​ the Laud OPO Community. While⁣ waiting⁤ for ⁢the‌ CIIDIR ​IPN Unidad Sinaloa Conservation Group to arrive, ⁢ Mariano reflected on‍ the situation, thinking about how “Sea turtles ​are ⁣facing attacks, both intentional and⁣ unintentional, but either way, humans are slowly decimating their population. This only fuels my desire ⁤to⁢ continue protecting them.”

The turtle‍ was ⁣then transported by van to⁢ Lab Vida ‍Silvestre ‌y Enfermedades Emergentes ‌of Ciidir Ipn ​Unidad Sinaloa ⁤for a thorough⁤ health evaluation, treatment,⁣ and‍ sample collection. It is crucial that ⁣a bycaught ​sea turtle ⁢receives medical attention ⁢before being ⁣released, as injuries⁤ sustained during entanglement may‍ lead to its death. Dr. Zavala ​praised⁣ the ⁢fishers’ efforts, stating, “The rescue ‍of the turtle was swift​ and efficient,​ thanks ⁤to the quick report from ‌the fishers and their training as part of the Conservation Team. They understand the importance of the data the ⁢turtle can ‍provide, and they know how to handle ⁤it⁣ without⁤ causing stress or harm.”

Once the leatherback’s health was confirmed, a satellite tag provided⁤ by⁢ Upwell was ‌attached to its carapace to track its journey in the ocean. Edmundo and Mariano decided to name the turtle Liam Neythan after ⁤Edmundo’s two ⁣children. ⁤Liam Neythan was released from Playa ⁤las Glorias,​ and for the next ‍two months, Upwell covered the‌ satellite tracking fees, allowing‍ for the collection of ​data on Liam Neythan’s migration ⁢south from Sinaloa. Mariano expressed his excitement upon receiving updates​ on the‍ satellite tracking, saying, “There was so much emotion and joy ⁢when we saw Liam Neythan’s journey.”



  1. This is heartwarming to see different groups coming together to protect endangered species! Well done to the fisherman and researchers involved.


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