Home Animal Care Discover the Vibrant World of the Pink-tailed Ratsnake (Gonyosoma oxycephalum)

Discover the Vibrant World of the Pink-tailed Ratsnake (Gonyosoma oxycephalum)

Discover the Vibrant World of the Pink-tailed Ratsnake (Gonyosoma oxycephalum)

Gonyosoma⁤ oxycephalum: A ⁣Unique and Fascinating Colubrid Snake

Gonyosoma ​oxycephalum, also known‍ as the green cat snake, is a stunning non-venomous diurnal​ and arboreal colubrid. With its strong body and⁢ clean​ scales, ​this snake is perfectly ‍adapted for climbing trees and branches. Its back is adorned with smaller, smooth ⁤scales that can range from bright green ‍to light green, often with a black net-like ⁤pattern. Depending⁤ on the locality, this species can also come​ in different ⁤colors such as silver, orange, and ⁤even‌ green.

Scientific Name: Gonyosoma oxycephalum
Distribution: Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, ⁣Thailand, ⁤Cambodia, ‍Laos, Vietnam, Singapore Island, Penang⁢ Island,⁤ India (Andaman Islands), ⁤Philippines
Average Size: 1.8-2.4 m‍ (6-8 ft)
Lifespan: 15‌ years or more
Difficulty: Intermediate

For young snakes, a small ⁤faunabox is suitable, ‌but as they ⁤grow‌ into yearlings, they will need to be moved into a larger terrarium. Adult Gonyosoma oxycephalum can be kept in terrariums measuring 1.8​ x 0.7 x 1.5 meters (6 x 2.3 x 5‍ ft), but if space allows, a ⁤larger terrarium is recommended.⁢ As⁢ arboreal snakes, they require branches and trunks to⁣ climb and foliage (real or fake plants) to feel secure.

Hide Box
It is important to provide a⁤ dry hide and a moist hide at both the bottom and‌ top of the terrarium.

Gonyosoma oxycephalum is known for ‌its foul-smelling defecation, so it ‍is ‌crucial to use a ⁣substrate (such as dusted wood chips or cocopeat) that can contain the odor and make cleaning easier.

Lighting and Heating
Unlike other ⁤snakes, Gonyosoma oxycephalum does not require artificial ‌lighting as long as they have‍ access to natural light through‍ a ⁣window. This is essential for their ‍breeding. However, if a window is not available, UV lighting can be used⁢ to simulate day and night cycles. A ‍thermal gradient is also​ necessary for these snakes, with a temperature ​range ⁢of 25-29⁢ °C (77-85 °F)​ during‍ the⁣ day and slightly ⁤cooler at⁢ night. They do not require‌ hibernation.

A large water ⁢bowl⁢ should always be available in the terrarium for the snake to soak in. The water should be changed‍ regularly. Some⁤ specimens, especially wild-caught ones, may prefer to drink‍ from ⁤foliage or a ‌nebulizer.

Gonyosoma oxycephalum thrives in ⁤a medium-high ⁢humidity⁢ level of ‌around 80%. If the humidity is too low, you can use a nebulizer to spray ‌water in the terrarium and mimic the wet season. However, be careful not to create excessive condensation, as⁤ this can lead​ to mold growth in the ‌enclosure.

These‌ snakes primarily feed on mice, rats, and chicks, with a preference for birds. Before breeding, it is recommended to feed them only chicks to ensure ‍a softer eggshell. Juveniles ⁤should be fed ‍every 5-6 days, yearlings ‍every 7-8 days, and ‌adults every 12-15 days.

Gonyosoma oxycephalum ⁢does not⁢ enjoy being handled and can become stressed if handled too often. ​When necessary, it is‍ best⁢ to ​move them slowly and without sudden movements to avoid scaring them.

Due to their high metabolism, ​these snakes may defecate frequently. It is important to remove any soiled substrate immediately and deep clean ‌the ‌terrarium at least once⁤ a ‌month. A clean ⁢environment is crucial⁣ for ⁢the health of these snakes.

Providing a moist hide‌ and spraying the snake during the‌ shedding period can help them shed easily. It is recommended to check for any retained shed on the eyes, tail, and cloaca after each shed.

Potential Health Issues
When kept ‌in proper conditions,⁤ captive-bred Gonyosoma oxycephalum do not have any major health issues. ⁤However, during​ the summer,⁤ it is important to monitor the temperature ‌to prevent overheating.⁤ Also, ‍be mindful of the humidity‌ level to avoid ⁣skin and lung infections.

In conclusion, Gonyosoma oxycephalum is a ​unique and fascinating snake that requires specific care to ⁤thrive in captivity. By following these guidelines,‌ you can‍ provide a suitable and enriching⁤ environment for your pet snake.‍ Remember, the information provided in this care⁢ sheet is based on the experience and expertise of the⁣ mentioned breeder.



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